Return Policy

You can return your order up to 14 days after receipt and we will ensure that the purchase price is credited to your account within seven working days of receiving the return.

Easy returns in three simple steps:

Step 1: Contact us with your order number, date of delivery (when you received your package), payment method, and reason for return.

Step 2: send your order

Send the items together with the completed to the address on here:
Company name: Liu Changxing
Street adress: Yuantong Express, No. 409, Suxi Yiwu
Zip code: 310000
Province: Zhejiang
State: Zhejiang
Country: China

Side Note: No. 2 freight elevator on the west side of the 3rd floor, upstairs.

Make sure you provide the parcel with a Track and Trace code. As the sender, you are responsible and we do not want any misunderstandings.

Step 3: receive the purchase amount in your bank account

Once we have received the parcel, we will ensure that the purchase amount is transferred back into your bank account within seven working days.